Research — Centre for Coaching Switzerland


Organisations can benefit from our research


Being based at the Graduate School of Business (GSB), the Centre for Coaching has a unique capacity to:

  • conduct our own research into the latest leadership development trends
  • conduct specific research for our clients
  • benefit from research done by fellow Specialised Centres at the GSB and other members of faculty.

Research is conducted either by our own staff at the Centre for Coaching, or through the resources at our disposal at the GSB, including MBA students who as part of their studies are required to complete an in-depth research report.

Below you will find a selection of client and academic research papers initiated through the Centre for Coaching, providing clients with an external and unbiased evaluation of the impact of what was implemented. You will also find interesting research provided by the International Coaching Federation.

Feel free to contact us on any specific needs, we are happy to answer your questions and explore the possibilities available.


Academic papers & book chapters

  1. Inspired moments – possibilities beyond management through integral coaching® by JMC Ahlers, CMB O’ Flaherty, G Howard & D Loos
  2. Coaching in an organisational context in South Africa by Craig O’Flaherty and Janine Ahlers
  3. Equipping Leaders to coach – an androgogic learning model by Craig O’ Flaherty
  4. Coaching in leadership development by Craig O’Flaherty and Janine Ahlers (O’Flaherty, C.M.B. and Everson, J.M.C. 2005. Coaching in Leadership Development. In Kagan, J. & Bohmert, A. (Ed). Brain-Based Executive Education. Johannesburg: Knowres Publishing).