Corporate solutions — Centre for Coaching Switzerland

Corporate solutions

Evoking excellence in
others – an integral
approach to coaching
and leadership

Corporate solutions
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Sustainably unleashing human potential

To support the transformation of your organisation or your team, we co-create tailored services and leadership programmes together with you. As we are passionate about developing human potential and evoking excellence in others, we are here to explore how we might support you in achieving your organisation’s goals, sustainably.

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Centre for Coaching’s unique approach

With over 20 years’ experience in partnering with our clients towards individual and organisational aptitude and success, we have honed our ability to develop a range of tailored solutions and programmes to meet your needs in this ever-changing and complex environment.

As an Integral Leadership Development Organisation, we help leaders, teams and organisations to build a sustainable and self-correcting capacity to transform through our integral approach with tailored workshop designs, team coaching and 1-1 coaching.

Enabling dynamic leadership

We are known for growing and supporting leaders by building their leadership
capacity through an increase in awareness and embodied capabilities.
We walk with you towards …

Enabling dynamic leadership

Partnering with us – What’s in it for you

Linkage to the Graduate School of Business

Linkage to the
Graduate School of Business

  • Affiliated to the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town
  • 20 Years relationship in place
  • All designed programs underpinned by strong academic rigor and research
Global linkage

Global linkage

  • Certified programs are run internationally
  • Conduct small to large scale leadership development programs and coaching interventions
  • Global alliance with New Ventures West enables delivery of solutions worldwide
Blue-Chip client experience

Blue-Chip client experience

  • Worked at executive, senior and middle management levels
  • Worked across industries with multinationals
  • Client base and experience ensure both timeliness and relevance of interventions
  • Contactable client references available upon request
Blend of research, teaching and application

Blend of research, teaching and

  • Research latest leadership development trends
  • Teach practical application at a tertiary level
  • Apply across global clients
Pioneering latest trends in leadership development

Pioneering latest
trends in leadership development

  • Since our inception, belonging to the pioneers, 23 years of academic coaching experience
  • Constantly applying latest theory into client projects
  • Forefront of professionalising coaching in leadership
  • Keep reworking learnings from clients into model development
Experienced and well-trained facilitators & coaches

Experienced and well-trained facilitators & coaches

  • We draw from our pool of over 300 coaches who have been through our rigorous 18-month coach certification
  • All have significant previous organisational and management experience
  • Global network of over 100 certified integral facilitators and coaches
CoachLogix feedback & management system

CoachLogix feedback
& management

  • Enables high-level overview of coaching interventions
  • Enables management of coaches and coaching
  • Enables professional supervision of coaches
Building internal coaching capacity throughout organizations

Building internal
coaching capacity
throughout organizations

  • Leader as Coach program including Coaching Circles
  • Leadership conversations program accredited by the University of Cape Town
  • Coaching for Development – accredited by both UCT and ICF
  • Capacity to design & deliver customised university and/or ICF accredited programmes
Benefits of an integral approach

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